##Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP) 首先让我们回顾一下TSP问题:一个商人想要以最短时间访问n个城市,每个城市只能去一次,并且最终将回到他出发的城市。
问题空间:X = Π { Beijing , Chengdu , Guangzhou , Hefei , Shanghai }
目标函数:Minimize f (x) = dist( Hefei , x[0]) + Σ(i=0->2)dist(x[i] , x[i + 1])+dist(x[3] , Hefei )
public class TSPProblem implements IObjectiveFunction<int[]> {
private double[][] m_cities;
public TSPProblem() {
public final void readResource(final String r) throws IOException {
try (InputStream x = TSPProblem.class.getResourceAsStream(r)) {
public final int cityCount() {
return this.m_cities.length;
public final double dist(final int a, final int b) {
double x, y;
x = (this.m_cities[a][0] - this.m_cities[b][0]);
y = (this.m_cities[a][1] - this.m_cities[b][1]);
return Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
public final double compute(final int[] x) {
double s;
int prev;
prev = x[x.length - 1];
s = 0;
for (int cur : x) {
s += this.dist(prev, cur);
prev = cur;
//return the total distance of the travel
return s;
##关于TSP所采用的gpm详解 TSP的问题空间为X = Π { Beijing , Chengdu , Guangzhou , Hefei , Shanghai },在共同启发式演算法中,TSP问题的表现型就是它的问题空间,我们可以将问题空间转化为搜索空间G = Π { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 },即它的基因型。
接下来将阐述登山算法(Hill Climbing)是如何解决TSP问题的:
best.g = nullary.create(this.random);
best.x = this.gpm.gpm(best.g);
best.v = f.compute(best.x);
pnew.g = this.unary.mutate(best.g, this.random);
pnew.x = this.gpm.gpm(pnew.g);
pnew.v = f.compute(pnew.x);
if( pnew.v <= best.v){
##关于TSP所采用的Search Operation 对于TSP问题,Nullary方法为产生一个值与序号相对应的一维数组
public class PermutationNullaryUniform implements INullarySearchOperation<int[]> {
public final int n;
public PermutationNullaryUniform(final int num) {
this.n = num;
public int[] create(final Random r) {
final int[] g;
g = new int[this.n];
for(int i = 0; i < this.n; i++ ){
g[i] = i;
return g;
public class PermutationUnarySingleSwap implements IUnarySearchOperation<int[]> {
public int[] mutate(final int[] p, final Random r) {
final int[] g;
g = p.clone();
int n = g.length;
int i = r.nextInt(n);
int j = r.nextInt(n);
while (i == j){
j = r.nextInt(n);
int t = g[i];
g[i] = g[j];
g[j] = t;
return g;
public class HCOnTSP {// start
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
final TSPProblem problem = new TSPProblem();
final HC<int[], int[]> algorithm;
algorithm = new HC<int[], int[]>();
algorithm.nullary = new PermutationNullaryUniform(problem.cityCount());
algorithm.unary = new PermutationUnarySingleSwap();
for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
algorithm.termination = new MaxSteps(20000);